Achieving Global Food Security for All: Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia


S. Rajaram and M. van Ginkel


Last year Sanjaya Rajaram and Maarten van Ginkel published a chapter entitled "Achieving Global Food Security for All: Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia". It has since been released by the "Le Demeter 2019" editors for free distribution.

The chapter makes for interesting reading for those of us involved in food production in Southern Africa.

The authors strongly believe that sustainable, integrated agro-ecosystems, based on optimised farm size, advanced scientific methods – e.g., conservation agriculture, stress tolerant and high-quality GM food crops, harnessing hybrid vigour in selfing crops - , and participatory technology transfer and policies – e.g., pricing water overuse -, must be developed and optimised. They also address the issues of food product waste and loss.


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